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Verified 01 March 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Want to get a flu shot? Influenza is a highly contagious acute respiratory infection. It occurs annually and is responsible for death. Vaccination is therefore recommended, especially for the most vulnerable people and pregnant women. It may be done by a doctor, midwife, pharmacist, or nurse. These rules apply to everyone in France, regardless of their nationality. Here are some of the things you need to know.
Every year, a new vaccine tailored to the circulating strain is developed.
The flu shot is given as a single shot every year in the fall.
It takes about 2 weeks after the vaccine to be protected.
The influenza vaccine may be combined with the tetanus vaccine.
Vaccination can be offered annually to all children aged 2 to 17 years. In this age group, it is recommended to use the vaccine administered intranasally.
Seasonal influenza vaccination is strongly recommended for the most vulnerable. Including:
- People aged 65 and over
- People with heart or respiratory conditions
- People with chronic liver disease with or without cirrhosis
- People suffering from obesity
- Pregnant women
- Cruise ship and aircraft crew and personnel accompanying groups of travelers (guides).
In addition, this vaccination can be offered to children without comorbidity aged 2 to less than 18 years.
Finally, vaccination of carers and carers of young children or elderly is strongly recommended.
if you are affected by both influenza and COVID-19 vaccination, it is possible to practice the 2 vaccinations at the same time. In this case, you should always bring your flu vaccine to the professional who is vaccinating you (including a vaccination center).
From September to October, Medicare sends out flu vaccination vouchers persons considered to be at risk.
If you don't have any vouchers, you can talk to a healthcare professional.
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You have already received a vaccination voucher
You must go directly to your pharmacist. He will give you the vaccine free of charge on presentation of the voucher sent by your health insurance fund and your vital card.
You don't have a vaccination voucher
You can discuss this with your doctor, midwife, nurse or pharmacist who can provide you with a care voucher to enable you to obtain for free the vaccine.
Health Insurance can provide contact details for health professionals close to your home.
The doctors are authorized to administer the influenza vaccine.
The midwives may vaccinate any person against influenza.
The nurses or nurses can give the influenza vaccine without a prescription to the following people:
- Major people without certain allergies
- Minors 11 years of age and over
- Minors up to 10 years on medical prescription.
The pharmacists may vaccinate:
- Major people without certain allergies
- Minors 11 years of age and over
The pharmacists the following people may be vaccinated against influenza
- Major people without certain allergies
- Minors 11 years of age and over
The pharmacist should record the vaccination in the health, vaccination, or shared medical record of the vaccinated person.
Other health actors may, under conditions, inject the influenza vaccine. For example:
- Pharmacy preparers
- Some students of 2e cycle and 3e short pharmacy cycle.
occupational physicians may administer the influenza vaccine.
Vaccination is managed at 100% if you have received a vaccination certificate from the Health Insurance.
In other cases, it is not covered by the Health Insurance.
the vaccine can be free, but the injection is not free.
If you notice an adverse effect on your health, following vaccination, you can report it on the portal "Health reporting":
Health reporting
Who can help me?
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Enabling nurses to administer the influenza vaccine
Authorization of pharmacists
Pharmacist's entry in the health, vaccination or DMP diary (R5125-33-9)
Influenza Vaccine Management Model (Health Insurance)
Document template
Health reporting
Online service
Who has the right to make a vaccine?
COVID-19 vaccine: What are the rules?
Schedule of vaccinations
Vaccination: diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis (DTP)
Vaccinations against hepatitis A and B
BCG: tuberculosis vaccine
National Health Insurance Fund (Cnam)
Pierre Louis Institute for Epidemiology and Public Health (iPLESP) - UMR. S 1136
National Health Insurance Fund (Cnam)
National Health Insurance Fund (Cnam)